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新闻来源: 发布时间:2020-01-17 10:19:00




Bobst Shanghai honored by visit of Mrs.Isabelle Moret, President of the National Council of Switzerland, and other VIP guests






Bobst Shanghai opened its doors to several prestigious guests on the afternoon of January 13,2020, including Mrs. Isabelle Moret, President of the National Council of Switzerland, who saw first-hand the success of BOBST in China. 






The trip to BOBST was one of Mrs Moret’s first appointments during her week long official visit in China, where she will also take part in the opening event of a year of celebrations to mark the seventieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and China. BOBST and neighboring organization Nestle (China) Ltd. were selected as two shining examples of Swiss business success in China. 



访问期间,博斯特(上海)有限公司总经理鲁希瑞向莫雷女士等一行* 介绍了博斯特在中国的发展情况。博斯特于1997年在上海设立工厂,历经20余年发展,以其引领创新的技术、产品与服务,为中国的包装印刷产业的升级与发展做出了巨大的贡献。2018年3月份,为进一步深耕中国市场,以领先的产品和服务帮助客户赢得未来,博斯特专门为中国市场制定了全新战略——博斯特中国4.0,以”协同发展“和”追求卓越“为两大宗旨,将全球创新带给中国客户,并通过先进而强大的技术工艺确保为中国客户带来最佳结果。


Mr. Cyril Ruiz-Moise, the General Manager of Bobst Shanghai received the delegation* and provided an introduction to BOBST in China. BOBST established its first factory in China in 1997, which is located in Songjiang. For more than 20 years, BOBST has made great contributions to the upgrading and development of China's packaging and printing industry, with its leading technologies, products and services. In March 2018, BOBST launched a new strategy named BOBST China 4.0, which is tailored specifically for the Chinese market to help Chinese customers win for the future. It gives customers two commitments: Proximity and Performance. These commitments mean that BOBST will bring global innovation to Chinese customers and ensure the best results with BOBST advanced and powerful technology.







Since the launch of the BOBST China 4.0 strategy, BOBST’s development in China has entered an exciting new phase, and it has increasingly received recognition and praise from governments, associations and customers. Mrs. Moret appreciated BOBST China 4.0 strategy and considered it to be a model of Swiss-Chinese cooperation and in line with the common interests of Swiss-Chinese development in the packaging and printing industry.




 “莫雷女士与其他多位贵宾的来访令我们感到非常荣幸,” 鲁希瑞对此评论道, “我们相信,博斯特上海代表了中国勤奋和瑞士品质的完美结合。因此,我们很高兴能在莫雷女士此次访问中国期间赶赴博斯特进行参观交流,我们也希望莫雷女士能看到我们将继续致力于为中国包装印刷行业提供瑞士最好品质的承诺。”


“We are very honored by the visit of Mrs. Moret and our other distinguished guests,” commented Mr. Cyril Ruiz-Moise, “We believe that Bobst Shanghai represents the perfect combination of Chinese industriousness and Swiss quality, so we are very happy that our site was selected for this momentous visit. We hope that Mrs. Moret saw how committed we are to continuing to provide the very best in Swiss quality to the packaging industry in China.”





After the visit, Mrs. Moret spoke highly of Bobst Shanghai, its production processes, high standards of quality inspection, and adherence to health and environmental protection. At the same time, she also highly appreciated BOBST's 125-year history of leading the industry and was very optimistic about BOBST's future. As well as Bobst Shanghai, there are several other subsidiaries of the BOBST in China, including Bobst Changzhou, Shanghai Eterna Machinery Co., Ltd., and BOBST’s latest acquisition, Shanghai Eterna Machinery Dongtai Co., Ltd. 




* 代表团其他成员包括: 

  • 全国人大代表、华侨事务委员会与联邦议会瑞中小组委员陈云英教授

  • 上海市人大华侨民族宗教事务委员会、外事委员会主任委员高德毅教授

  • 瑞士联邦驻华大使罗志谊先生

  • 瑞士联邦议会国际关系事务主管克劳迪奥·费希尔先生

  • 瑞士联邦驻上海总领事馆总领事曾礼惟先生

  • 瑞士联邦议会国际事务部萨拉·圭拉女士

  • 瑞士联邦驻上海总领事馆经济处主管聂利群女士

  • 瑞中协会-法语区分会主席白鹄先生


* Other members of the delegation included: 

  • Professor Chen Yunying, National People Congress, Member of the Overseas Chinese Affairs and Parliamentary Group Switzerland-China

  • Professor Gao Deyi, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee & Overseas Chinese and Religious Affairs Committee of Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress

  • Mr. Bernardino Regazzoni, Switzerland Ambassador to China

  • Mr. Claudio Fischer, Head of International Relations of the Federal Parliament

  • Mr. Olivier Zehnder, Consul-General in Shanghai

  • Mrs. Sara Guerra, International Relations of the Federal Parliament

  • Mrs. Nie Liqun, Head of the Economic Section, Consulate General Shanghai 

  • Mr. Gérald Béroud, President of the Swiss-Chinese Association- French-speaking Region 
